Brick Road Poetry Press

poetry made to entertain, amuse, and edify

The mission of Brick Road Poetry Press is to publish and promote poetry that entertains, amuses, edifies, and surprises a wide audience of appreciative readers.  We are not qualified to judge who deserves to be published, so we concentrate on publishing what we enjoy. Our preference is for poetry geared toward dramatizing the human experience in language rich with sensory image and metaphor, recognizing that poetry can be, at one and the same time, both familiar as the perspiration of daily labor and as outrageous as a carnival sideshow.

About Rupert Fike author of Lotus Buffet

Rupert Fike

Rupert Fike

Rupert Fike’s work has been published in Rosebud, The Georgetown Review, storySouth, Borderlands, Texas Review of Poetry, The Cumberland Review, The Cortland Review, Natural Bridge (University of Missouri at St Louis), Atlanta Review, Snake Nation Review, Backwards City Review, FutureCycle, Dark Sky Magazine, A Celebration of Southern Poets (Kennesaw University Press) and others. He has been nominated for a Pushcart prize in poetry (Java Monkey Speaks) and short fiction (Rosebud). A poem of his is inscribed in a downtown Atlanta plaza, and he has had several one act plays produced by the Alliance Theatre Interns for Theatre Emory. His non-fiction book, Voices from the Farm, edited accounts of life on this country’s largest spiritual community, The Farm, is now available in paperback. Lotus Buffet, his first poetry collection, was a finalist in the Brick Road Poetry Contest 2010. Rupert Fike reads his poems and conducts workshops at high schools and middle schools in the Atlanta area. He lives with his wife, Kathy, in Clarkston, Georgia not far from their daughters and grandchildren. Kathy and Rupert spent eight years on The Farm, a spiritual community in middle Tennessee which they helped found in 1971 after several years in the bay area. He is working on a book of poems based on The Farm experience.


Order Lotus Buffet here!