Brick Road Poetry Press

poetry made to edify

The mission of Brick Road Poetry Press is to publish and promote poetry that entertains, amuses, edifies, and surprises a wide audience of appreciative readers.  We are not qualified to judge who deserves to be published, so we concentrate on publishing what we enjoy. Our preference is for poetry geared toward dramatizing the human experience in language rich with sensory image and metaphor, recognizing that poetry can be, at one and the same time, both familiar as the perspiration of daily labor and as outrageous as a carnival sideshow.

Natural Violence by Jennifer Brown


Natural Violence by Jennifer Brown


Order Natural Violence by Jennifer Brown now!

Publication date December 19th 2022.

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Sample Poems

Jennifer Brown Bio Page

Paperback: 100 pages
Publisher: Brick Road Poetry Press
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-950739-07-3
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 7 ounces

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